Mastering the Mic: Unleashing Your Inner Eminem as a Public Speaker

Colby Sutter
4 min readMay 31, 2023


While I learned a lot after my Ted talk, I have gained even more experiences over the years of being a professional public speaker than I wish I could apply now to my Ted talk experience. Now, I’m driven to become the Eminem of public speakers. With that goal in mind, I’m determined to use all of the knowledge I have acquired over the years to reach my ambition, and I wish to share some of that knowledge with you. Eminem is known for his unique style, exceptional skills, and captivating performances. That is why he stands out, and if you want to stand out as a public speaker, you should clean out your closet and apply these skills. Just know that this will take practice, dedication, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

  1. Develop your own distinct style: Eminem stands out for his distinctive rap style and lyrical ability. Similarly, find your own voice and style as a public speaker. Identify your strengths, whether storytelling, humor, or thought-provoking insights, and incorporate them into your presentations.
  2. Hone your craft through practice: Like Eminem, who dedicated countless hours to perfecting his rhymes and delivery, put in the work to refine your speaking skills. Practice regularly, rehearse your speeches, and focus on mastering the art of stage presence, vocal dynamics, and engaging delivery. By doing this alone, you will be able to stand out from the crowd.
  3. Embrace authenticity: Eminem’s music is known for its raw honesty and authenticity. As a speaker, be genuine and transparent. Share personal stories, experiences, and lessons learned to connect with your audience on a deeper level. People appreciate speakers who are real and relatable.
  4. Use the power of storytelling: Eminem’s lyrics often tell compelling stories that resonate with his listeners. Follow suit by incorporating powerful narratives into your speeches. Craft stories that evoke emotions, paint vivid pictures, and deliver memorable messages that leave a lasting impact. Let me spit it like this: evoke emotions, paint pictures, deliver memorable messages that will create a lasting impact. I just wanted to make sure you all saw my word play in that sentence.
  5. Push boundaries and take risks: Eminem is known for his bold and controversial lyrics, unafraid to tackle sensitive subjects. Similarly, as a speaker, be willing to step outside your comfort zone. Address challenging topics, challenge conventional thinking, and push the boundaries of what is expected in your presentations. The world has never changed without radical risks being taken. Public speakers are no exception. Take risks and you will be rewarded; not everyone will agree with you, but those who do will be inspired. Don’t shy away from difficult topics and your audience will be rewarded with a powerful, memorable speech. Take the risk and try something new.
  6. Connect with your audience on an emotional level: Eminem’s music taps into emotions, whether it’s anger, frustration, or vulnerability. Connect with your audience by speaking to their emotions. Use argumentative techniques, powerful language, and personal anecdotes that resonate with their experiences and feelings. For example, Eminem’s track “Lose Yourself” draws on his personal story of overcoming the odds to become a successful rapper, inspiring listeners to strive for greatness despite their struggles.
  7. Embrace relentless self-improvement: Eminem constantly works on his skills and strives for self-improvement. Adopt a similar mindset by seeking feedback, attending workshops or speaking programs, and continuously honing your abilities. Embrace a growth mindset and never settle for mediocrity. This approach will help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to reach new heights. It will also give you the confidence to take risks and try new things that you may not have tried before. Additionally, it will help you stay motivated and inspired to reach your goals. This is maybe the most critical step and most public speakers miss it.
  8. Build a strong personal brand: Eminem has a strong and recognizable personal brand that extends beyond his music. Cultivate your own personal brand as a speaker. Define your unique selling points, create a professional image, and leverage social media platforms to build a following and amplify your message.
  9. Embrace stage presence and performance: Eminem’s stage presence is captivating and energetic. Pay attention to your physical presence, body language, and overall performance on stage. Command attention, use gestures effectively, and connect with your audience through your presence. For instance, during his live performances, Eminem often jumps around the stage, raps with intense energy and emotionally engages with the audience with his words and gestures.
  10. Be true to yourself: Eminem’s success stems from his authenticity and staying committed to his roots. Similarly, be true to yourself as a speaker. Don’t try to imitate others or cater to trends. Embrace your unique perspective, voice, and experiences.

Remember, becoming the “Eminem” of public speaking requires dedication, practice, and a commitment to developing your own style. Embrace your uniqueness, continuously refine your skills, and deliver powerful and unforgettable speeches that leave a lasting impression.



Colby Sutter

Best Selling Author, TEDX speaker, he has created and executed drug prevention programs. He is the CEO of 7Miles and Redbeard Coffee Roasting company.